The Power of Parenting

Saturday, 26 September 2020

What's New

Parenting Resources for the First Five Years

The science of Comfort, Play & Teach is translated into these parent resources to show you how to make the most of everyday moments with your child and how to support infants, toddlers and preschoolers as they develop through the first five years. Have a look at what parents have to say about Invest in Kids' Parenting Resources. You can also click on the product name links to find out more or to order online.

The First Five Years Resource Kit

"I find books about parenting to be overwhelming at times. This is just enough information and shows me that what I do with my son shapes the person he will become. What a great resource!"
Welcome to Parenting Box

"As a new parent, this was one of the most helpful gifts I received. The information is bang on and I've learned so much about the role I have as a parent. Every new parent deserves one of these great starter kits."
Comfort, Play & Teach Infant Activity Cards: Let's Learn!

"I use the activities on the 'let's learn' cards all the time. Thank you!"
Comfort, Play & Teach Infant Activity Cards: Let's Read!

"I never knew that reading to my child could have an impact at such a young age. It is a great bonding experience for us and its great for him developmentally."
Comfort, Play & Teach Preschool Activity Cards: Let's Play!

"Thanks for reminding me that play time is a great opportunity for me to teach my kids while they have fun!"
Comfort, Play & Teach Parenting Book Series

"I love these books! I've used all three and will continue to use them with my growing family. They help identify what's coming next."
Get Set For Life Child Development Booklets

"Comfort, Play & Teach activities are easy and extremely effective. I wish there were more booklets!"
Zero to One Growth Charts
One to Five Growth Charts

"I have a three year old and a seven month old and I have both Growth Charts. They're great to have around the house. The older one enjoys measuring himself and we measure the younger one at changing time. The tips on the charts are a great help!"
Parenting with the Zap Family: Comfort, Play & Teach Every Day

"The DVD is great because not only do the scenarios help me realize I'm not the only parent experiencing certain things, but I can also watch it with my daughter because she loves the animated family."

If you're interested in placing an order online, please click here to visit our online store.

What's Inside

Answers for Parents
Questions? Practical answers from our experts.