The Power of Parenting

Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Intellectual Development: 19 to 24 Months

Intellectual Development means being able to think creatively and abstractly, to pay attention, solve problems and develop keen judgement along with a lifelong readiness to learn.

Typical Skills
  • Uses two word sentences, e.g., “more juice” or “want cookie”
  • Asks for help using words or actions
  • Jabbers in run-on flow of words while talking to stuffed animals or self
  • Names some pictures in a book
  • Imitates new words and phrases, e.g., “Go bye-bye” and “Mommy’s car”
Thinking Skills
  • Understands how familiar objects are used, e.g., spoon for eating, cup for drinking, ball for throwing, hammer for banging, etc.
  • Understands the passing of time and the meaning of “not now” and “when we go home”
  • Recognizes and names familiar people in photos
  • Busy mastering existing skills which leads to the emergence of new ones
  • Shows increased memory for details and routines, e.g., says “hot” when reaching for a coffee cup; holds up seat belt in car seat to indicate it needs to be secured; remembers where objects go
    Emerging Skills
    • Sings simple songs with correct words and actions
    • Is more articulate; many more words are understood by others outside the family
    • Starts to use plurals
    • Uses past tense
    • Imitates spontaneously or requests new words
    Thinking Skills
    • Explores one-to-one correspondence
    • Has a sense of more than one
    • Has intense curiosity to investigate any new person, object or sound
    • Understands two-part requests, e.g., “Go to the shelf and bring over the blocks”

      If you do this:

      • Follow your child’s lead in play, allowing her to be the director of the activities
      • Read books to your child that reflect her reality, e.g., starting child care, going to the doctor, playing with another child
      • Begin to develop a sense of control about what she does and feel that you value her efforts
      • Begin to recognize common events and situations in printed materials
      If you do this:

      • Count fingers, toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose during bath or play time
      • Provide different size containers for water and sand play
      • Develop a strong sense of physical self
      • Explore relationships of size in objects as well as the concept of empty and full
      If you do this:

      • Point out familiar sounds when walking or playing outside, e.g., car horns, dogs barking or fire truck sirens
      • Offer experiences that allow him to use his skills but challenge him a bit, e.g., if he can stack 3 blocks, add a fourth
      • Begin to distinguish different sounds and learn the names for them
      • Feel confident enough to try to overcome the challenge