The Power of Parenting

Monday, 15 February 2021

Gross Motor Development: 31 to 36 Months

Gross Motor Development allows a child to gain balance and bring large muscles under control in order to master physical activities such as sitting, crawling, walking, running, climbing, jumping and generally enjoy all that his body allows him to do.

Typical Skills
  • Participates in group activities that include running, galloping, crawling, rolling over and twirling around
  • Walks on balance beam, alternating feet a few steps
  • Runs, avoiding obstacles
  • Climbs up the ladder of a slide or other play equipment
  • Pedals a tricycle
Emerging Skills
  • Walks on balance beam a few steps, going forward and backward
  • Rides tricycle, steering well and using pedals
  • Kicks ball with increasing accuracy
  • Throws ball overhand with fairly accurate aim
  • Participates in circle games involving many players, such as ‘The Hokey Pokey’

If you do this:
Your Toddler will:

  • Encourage your child as she attempts more challenging skills
  • Count out loud how many stairs she manages independently and offer praise
  • Set up a big target for your child to throw a ball at or a big box to kick a ball into
  • Develop confidence in her physical abilities and be open to trying new activities
  • Know you are noticing her and gain self-confidence
  • Feel successful every time she hits the target or gets the ball in
If you do this:
Your Toddler will:

  • Participate in physical activities with your toddler by playing tag or rolling down a hill
  • Play music and provide him with colourful scarves to move and dance with
  • Demonstrate movements like galloping and twirling by playing “Follow the Leader”
  • Enjoy the interaction and know that it is fun to exercise because of your example
  • Explore the different actions he can do with his body and be inspired by the music
  • Learn different possibilities for movement by observing and trying them out
If you do this:
Your Toddler will:

  • Show your child pictures of different animals, e.g., birds, turtles, fish, and say, “Show me how you move like a fish!”
  • Talk about safety rules and explain how to use playground equipment carefully
  • Create a simple obstacle course with blocks and hoops
  • Demonstrate her understanding of how animals move through her own creative movement
  • Learn to take her time and be cautious when playing at the park
  • Practice concepts like going over and around, in and out