The Power of Parenting
Monday, 18 January 2021
There are lots of opportunities for building (blocks, cardboard boxes), climbing, jumping, swinging, arts and crafts, pretend play, dancing… just keep...
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New Activity: My Feelings Book |
As you look at magazines with your toddler, talk about faces that you see. Encourage him to identify emotions in the pictures, and then cut them out a...
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New Activity: Number Puzzles |
Creating and then putting together number puzzles is a fun way for toddlers and preschoolers to solve problems and to practice their counting skills. ...
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This is a fun Comfort, Play & Teach™ activity that will encourage your child to talk about the pictures he draws. He can imagine he is a storytel...
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New Activity: Playdough Party |
Making playdough is a creative activity that helps your child practice important social skills. You and your child can take turns adding and mixing ...
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New Activity: Ring Around the Rosie |
Circle games give toddlers and preschoolers the opportunity to play with you or with other friends. Children will enjoy repeating the song and actions...
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Taking your baby to a local playground is a wonderful way to give him an opportunity to play and interact with others. With your support, he will begi...
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How many different seeds can you find in your pantry? Dried beans, popping corn and even tiny mustard seeds can be used to make simple shakers. Here i...
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New Activity: Teddy Bear Picnic |
Enjoying a picnic with teddy bears and dolls is a lovely way for toddlers and preschoolers to practice a variety of important social skills while enga...
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New Activity: Grocery Store I Spy |
The next time you and your child are out food shopping, try this fun Comfort, Play & Teach™activity. How many letters, numbers and words can your ...
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